Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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(herald bignum
(env tsys (osys fixnum) bignum))
;;; (c) Copyright 1983, 1984 Yale University
;;; To do:
;;; destructive routines
;;; rewrite print-bignum & associates (format nil ... etc)
;;; pool bignums
;;; bignum templates, positve & negative ?
;;; pack densely - use hardware multiply, etc
;;; Parts of this depend on (>= *bits-per-hyperdigit* *bits-per-fixnum*) => T.
;;; Constants:
(define-constant *bits-per-hyperdigit* 30)
(define-constant *max-hyperdigit* -1)
(define-constant *half-max-hyperdigit*
(fx- (fixnum-ashl 1 (fx- *bits-per-hyperdigit* 1)) 1))
(lset *bignums-print-nicely?* nil)
(define-handler bignum
(object nil
((extended-number-type self) %%bignum-number-type)
((print self port)
(if *bignums-print-nicely?*
(print-bignum self port)
(print-bignum-guts self port)))))
(define (print-bignum-guts self port)
(format port "{Bignum ~D ~A["
(object-hash self)
(if (bignum-positive? self) "+" "-"))
(format port "~X" (bignum-digit self 0))
(do ((i 1 (fx+ i 1)))
((fx>= i (bignum-length self)))
(format port "~_~X" (bignum-digit self i)))
(format port "]}"))
;;; Comparison:
(define-integrable (bignum-magnitude-less? u v)
(fx< (bignum-compare-magnitudes u v) 0))
;;; Returns a fixnum whose sign is the same as (- u v).
(define (bignum-compare u v)
(let ((u-sign (bignum-sign u)))
(cond ((fxn= u-sign (bignum-sign v)) u-sign)
((fx> u-sign 0) (bignum-compare-magnitudes u v))
(else (bignum-compare-magnitudes v u)))))
(define-integrable (bignum-less? u v)
(fx< (bignum-compare u v) 0))
(define-integrable (bignum-equal? u v)
(fx= (bignum-compare u v) 0))
;;; Sign negotiation and normalization:
;;; The BIGNUM-FOO routines negotiate a sign for the result, then
;;; dispatch to the appropriate FOO-MAGNITUDES routine. The result
;;; is then normalized.
(define (bignum-add u v)
(let ((u-sign (bignum-sign u))
(v-sign (bignum-sign v)))
(cond ((fx= u-sign v-sign)
(set-bignum-sign! (add-magnitudes u v) u-sign))
((bignum-magnitude-less? u v)
(set-bignum-sign! (subtract-magnitudes v u) v-sign))
(set-bignum-sign! (subtract-magnitudes u v) u-sign))))))
(define (bignum-subtract u v)
(let ((u-sign (bignum-sign u))
(v-sign (bignum-sign v)))
(cond ((fxn= u-sign v-sign)
(set-bignum-sign! (add-magnitudes u v) u-sign))
((bignum-magnitude-less? v u)
(set-bignum-sign! (subtract-magnitudes u v) u-sign))
(set-bignum-sign! (subtract-magnitudes v u)
(fixnum-negate u-sign)))))))
(define-integrable (bignum-multiply-sign u v)
(if (fx= (bignum-sign u) (bignum-sign v)) 1 -1))
(define (bignum-multiply u v)
(set-bignum-sign! (multiply-magnitudes u v) (bignum-multiply-sign u v))))
(define (bignum-div2 u v)
(let ((m (bignum-compare-magnitudes u v)))
(cond ((fx= m 0)
(return (bignum-multiply-sign u v) 0))
((fx< m 0)
(return 0 u))
(receive (q r)
(div2-magnitudes u v)
(return (normalize-integer
(set-bignum-sign! q (bignum-multiply-sign u v)))
(set-bignum-sign! r (bignum-sign u)))))))))
(define (bignum-divide u v) (receive (q r) (bignum-div2 u v) q))
(define (bignum-remainder u v) (receive (q r) (bignum-div2 u v) r))
(define (b-f-add u v) (bignum-add u (fixnum->bignum v)))
(define (b-f-subtract u v) (bignum-subtract u (fixnum->bignum v)))
(define (b-f-divide u v) (receive (q r) (b-f-div2 u v) q))
(define (b-f-remainder u v) (receive (q r) (b-f-div2 u v) r))
(define (fixnum-ashl-bignum num amount)
(bignum-ashl (fixnum->bignum num) amount)) ; Fix later
(define (bignum-ashr-fixnum src amount)
(normalize-integer (bignum-ashr src amount)))
;;; Total randomness: negate, odd?, howlong.
(define (bignum-negate num)
(let ((new (copy-bignum num)))
(bignum-negate! new)
(normalize-integer new)))
(define (bignum-odd? num)
(fixnum-odd? (bignum-digit num 0)))
(define (bignum-howlong num)
(let ((last (fx- (bignum-length num) 1)))
(fx+ (fixnum-howlong (bignum-digit num last))
(fx* last *bits-per-hyperdigit*))))
;;; MAGN is a fixnum interpreted as an unsigned integer that is
;;; *bits-per-fixnum* long. EXTRA-BIT? is a handy N+1st bit for those
;;; times that you have (+ *bits-per-fixnum* 1) bits of magnitude.
(define (sign&magnitude->bignum sign extra-bit? magn)
(let ((num (create-bignum (if extra-bit? 2 1))))
(set (bignum-digit num 0) magn)
(if extra-bit? (set (bignum-digit num 1) 1))
(set-bignum-sign! num sign)
;;; Normalization:
;;; Convert an integer to normal form. That is, if it is a bignum within
;;; the fixnum range, convert it to a fixnum.
(define (normalize-integer n)
(cond ((fixnum? n) n)
((if (bignum-positive? n)
(bignum-less? most-positive-fixnum-as-bignum n)
(bignum-less? n most-negative-fixnum-as-bignum))
(else (bignum->fixnum n))))
(define-constant most-positive-fixnum-as-bignum
(sign&magnitude->bignum 1 nil most-positive-fixnum))
(define-constant most-negative-fixnum-as-bignum
(sign&magnitude->bignum -1 nil most-negative-fixnum))
;;; Coercion routines:
(define (fixnum->bignum fx)
(cond ((fx= fx most-negative-fixnum) most-negative-fixnum-as-bignum)
(else (sign&magnitude->bignum (if (fx< fx 0) -1 1)
(fixnum-abs fx)))))
(define (bignum->fixnum bn)
(cond ((bignum-equal? most-negative-fixnum-as-bignum bn) most-negative-fixnum)
((bignum-positive? bn) (bignum-digit bn 0))
(fx- 0 (bignum-digit bn 0)))))
(define (bignum->flonum b)
(error "integer to float conversion not yet implemented~% (~S ~S)"
'->float b))
;;; Input and output:
;++ This can be speeded up if necessary.
(define (print-bignum num port)
(let ((new-num (normalize-integer num)))
(cond ((neq? num new-num)
(format port "#{Unnormalized-bignum~_~S}"
(let ((buffer (bignum->buffer num)))
(cond ((not (bignum-positive? num)) (writec port negative-sign-char)))
(do ((i (fx- (buffer-length buffer) 1) (fx- i 1)))
((not (char= (buffer-elt buffer i) #\0))
(do ((i i (fx- i 1)))
((fx< i 0) (release-buffer buffer))
(writec port (buffer-elt buffer i))))))))))
;;; Convert a bignum to a sequence of characters.
;;; Characters are generated in reverse order by successive divisions.
(define (bignum->buffer num)
(let* ((radix (rt-radix *print-table*))
(k (\#chars-in-bit-field radix *bits-per-hyperdigit*))
(radix^k (fixnum-expt radix k))
(buffer (get-buffer)))
(iterate loop ((num num))
(receive (q r)
(b-f-div2-unnormalized num radix^k)
(output-bignum-digit (fixnum-abs r) k buffer radix)
(cond ((fx> (bignum-length q) 1)
(loop q))
(iterate loop ((n (bignum-digit q 0)))
(if (fx= n 0)
(loop (output-bignum-digit n k buffer radix))))))))))
;;; Generate k digits of output. Returns the k+1'th digit.
(define (output-bignum-digit digit k buffer radix)
(iterate loop ((n digit)
(i k))
(cond ((fx> i 0)
(receive (q r)
(%digit-divide 0 n radix)
(vm-write-char buffer (digit->char r radix))
(loop q (fx- i 1))))
(else n))))
;;; Number of characters in RADIX that can surely fit in FIELD-SIZE bits.
;;; Make this more accurate. How does BIGNUM-STRINGIFY work and did
;;; I screw it up by changing this routine?
(define (\#chars-in-bit-field radix field-size)
(fx/ field-size (fixnum-howlong radix)))
;;; Convert string to fixnum or bignum, as appropriate.
(define (string->integer string radix)
(cond ((char= (char string) negative-sign-char)
(string->integer-aux string 1 t radix))
((char= (char string) positive-sign-char)
(string->integer-aux string 1 nil radix))
(string->integer-aux string 0 nil radix))))
;;; We grab a bunch of digits at a whack, convert them to fixnum, and
;;; do multiplications just with them.
;;; grabsize: number of digits we can grab (whack size)
;;; shift: radix of grabsize considered as a hyperdigit
;;; leftovers: number of digits that don't fit into an even number of grabs -
;;; convert these first
;;; Fast enough? Clean enough?
;;; Hack sign inside loop rather than after so that we read most-negative-fixnum
;;; as a fixnum and not a bignum.
;;; Note that any compiler worth its salt will integrate the definitions
;;; of my+ and my*.
(define (string->integer-aux string start neg? radix)
(let ((length (string-length string))
(grabsize (\#chars-in-bit-field radix *u-bits-per-fixnum*))
(my* (lambda (x y) (cond ((fixnum? x) (fixnum-multiply-carefully x y))
(else (b-f-multiply x y)))))
(my+ (lambda (x y) (cond ((fixnum? x) (fixnum-add-carefully x y))
(else (b-f-add x y))))))
(let ((shift (fixnum-expt radix grabsize))
(leftovers (fixnum-remainder (fx- length start) grabsize)))
(let ((sum (string->fixnum string start leftovers radix)))
(do ((sum (if neg? (fixnum-negate sum) sum)
(my+ (my* sum shift)
(let ((x (string->fixnum string strpos grabsize radix)))
(if neg? (fixnum-negate x) x))))
(strpos (fx+ start leftovers)
(fx+ strpos grabsize)))
((fx>= strpos length) sum))))))
;;; This belongs elsewhere
(define (string->fixnum string start count radix)
(let ((limit (fx+ start count)))
(do ((i start (fx+ i 1))
(sum 0 (fx+ (fx* sum radix) (%char->digit (nthchar string i) radix))))
((fx>= i limit) sum))))
;;; Debugging utility:
;(define-syntax (bignum-pig x)
; `(',*bignum-pig (lambda () ,x)))
(define (*bignum-pig x)
(let ((b1 *bignum-cons-counter*)
(b2 *bignum-cons-size-counter*))
(let ((val (x))
(a1 *bignum-cons-counter*)
(a2 *bignum-cons-size-counter*))
`(count = ,(fx- a1 b1) total = ,(fx- a2 b2) value = ,val))))
(set *bignums-print-nicely?* t)